Children and adults are like to enjoy chocolate. The most popular dessert chocolate is available in brown and white. It is known as a delicious and easy food. Chocolate relieves stress and has a positive effect on human mood. Scientific research has shown that it is also very useful in medical terms, especially for people who eat chocolate for breakfast, sticking to it all day long. Dark chocolate lowers the body's harmful cholesterol and raises the beneficial cholesterol and also helps to keep blood pressure normal. 

Brown chocolate produces a substance in the brain called serotonin, which relieves stress. Chocolate can also reduce anxiety and stress in our body by up to 70%. It also increases the polyphenols in the body which improves the flow of oxygen in the blood. It is used in countless desserts such as chocolate cakes, ice cream, brownies, bananas, puddings and various chocolate shakes. Here are some recipes made from chocolate.

Chocolate ... a favorite of people of all ages

Homemade chocolate

Ingredients required:

Chocolate souffle

Ingredients required:

Black Forest ice cream rolls

Ingredients required:

Chocolate ice cream sandwic

Ingredients required:

Baked chocolate fudge and cream

Ingredients required:

Chocolate orange cups

Ingredients required:

Death by chocolate cake

Ingredients required:

Chocolate lava cake

Ingredients required:

Chocolate corn flakes cake


Chocolate bread and butterpudding

Ingredients required:

Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Ingredients required:

Chocolate smoothie

Ingredients required:

Chocolate sauce

Ingredients required:

Biscuit crumbs. Two cups

Butter Half a cup

For the caramel mixture:

Condensed Country - One Tin

Bran sugar. Three-fourths cup

Butter One hundred grams

Golden syrup Two tablespoons

For the chocolate layer:

Chocolate A cup

Cream - half a cup

First put the butter in the biscuit crumbs in a bowl and mix well. Then put it in a grease mold, press it well and keep it in the freezer for ten minutes. Now put the condensed milk, bran sugar, butter and golden syrup in a pan for caramel mixture and cook on low heat till the color changes. Then place it on the biscuit layer and then place it in the freezer for an hour.

For the chocolate layer, put chocolate and cream in a pan and cook and keep stirring. Now put a layer of chocolate on top of the layer of biscuits and caramel and leave it outside for a while. Then refrigerate for 30 to 40 minutes. Make a piece of it and present it.

Eggs Four digits

Six ounces of sugar

Cocoa powder A tablespoon

Milk A cup

Gelatin powder Two tablespoons

Water. As needed

Vanilla essence - half a teaspoon

Cream - eight ounces

First, separate the egg whites and yolks. Now put egg yolks, three ounces of sugar, cocoa powder and milk in a pan and cook on low heat. Spoon constantly until the mixture thickens, then remove the pan from the stove. Then soak the gelatin powder in a quarter cup of water for a while and add it to the pan. Add vanilla essence and mix well. Now beat the egg whites well with three ounces of sugar. Add fresh cream and fold. Put this mixture in a mold and freeze for two hours. Once frozen, remove to a serving plate, garnish with fresh cream and serve.

Eggs Four digits

Castor sugar. Four ounces

Vanilla essence - a teaspoon

Flour Three ounces

Cocoa powder One ounce

Chinese. As required (crushed)

Ice cream As needed

Fresh cream - eight ounces

Chocolate syrup Half a cup

Cherries As needed

In a bowl, whisk together the eggs and caster sugar until light and fluffy. Now add vanilla essence and mix a little. On the other hand, sift the flour and cocoa powder. Now add it to the egg mixture and fold it slowly. Now grease a Swiss roll tray with butter paper and add the prepared batter to preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and bake for ten minutes. Now take it out of the oven, sprinkle powdered sugar on a cloth and roll it. Then open the roll and apply ice cream and roll again. Finally, garnish with fresh cream, chocolate syrup and cherries and freeze.

Flour Two cups

Salt A teaspoon

Chinese. A cup

Vegetable oil. 1/3 cup

Milk 3/4 cup

Baking Soda. A teaspoon

1 cup of cocoa powder

Egg A number

Vanilla essence. A teaspoon

Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream. 1 liter

Lay a line of waxed paper on 15 smooth baking sheets with vertical edges and set aside. Now heat the oven to 200 degrees. Then mix the flour, baking soda, salt, cocoa powder and sugar in a large bowl. Make a hole in the middle. Add eggs, oil, vanilla essence and milk. Now stir until it becomes soft. Now spread in a preheated pan and bake in the oven for 12 minutes. Then cool and remove from the pan to a smooth surface. Also remove the wax paper. 

Cut three equal slices in length and then cut it into five equal rows. This will make fifteen cakes individually. Cut each individual cake in half vertically and set aside. Place the ice cream side down on the cutting board. Cut into three pieces in the shape of a cross. Place each ice cream slice in half vertically cut into individual cakes. Place each sandwich is a small plastic bag or wrap in a cloth and place in the freezer.

Oil Sixty milliliters

Sugar (crushed). 175 grams

Flour 75 grams

Eggs - two numbers

Cocoa powder 50 grams

Baking powder - a teaspoon

Salt A quarter teaspoon

Dark cream - one and a half cup

Vanilla essence. A teaspoon

Walnuts and cashews - sixty grams

Put a small amount of oil in a tray and sprinkle with flour. Now mix oil, sugar, eggs and essence. Then add salt, cocoa and baking powder to the flour and sift. Preheat the oven and add the filtered ingredients to the egg mixture, adding half the dried fruit at the end. Pour the mixture into a tray and sprinkle with dried fruit on top. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 to 30 minutes. Remove the baked chocolate fudge from the oven and allow to cool. When cool, cut into squares and serve with whipped cream and dried fruit

Dark chocolate - eight ounces

Cream cheese Eight ounces

Sugar - half a cup

Orange essence - half a teaspoon

Orange Zest - a number

Cream A cup

Chocolate For garnishing (embroidered)

Melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler and set aside. Now in a bowl, add cream cheese, melted chocolate, orange essence, orange zest and sugar and mix until fluffy. Now slowly fold the cream. Then pour the mixture into cups and refrierate for two hours and serve garnished with grated chocolate.

Flour One and a half cup

Baking powder A teaspoon

(Mix all the ingredients in the flour and filter)

Chinese. A cup

Eggs Two digits (scattered)

Oil A cup

Sweet Soda. A teaspoon

Cocoa powder Two and a half tablespoons

Two tablespoons

Fresh milk A cup

For icing and filling:

Mix fruit jam - four tablespoons

Icing sugar - four tablespoons

Plain chocolate A cup

Fresh cream. One and a half cup

Vanilla essence. Four or five drops

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Now grease two eight-inch baking pans. Add sugar, syrup, eggs and milk to the flour and beat until better and creamy. Then slowly add oil and mix well. Put the mixture evenly in both pans and bake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes or take it out of the oven until golden brown and let it cool. 

When cool, remove to a cake pan. Heat the jam slightly and pour it. Apply jam to the top of one cake and jam to the bottom of the other. Heat water in an open-mouthed pot and place a pan over it to melt the chocolate and fresh cream. Combine vanilla essence and icing sugar to thicken and cool. 

Spread the mixture evenly over the jam on both cakes. Place one cake on top of the other like a sandwich. Make sure the top-level jam cake comes up. Now apply the chocolate mixture on the top and sides of the cake and smooth it with a knife. Refrigerate and serve delicious cakes.

Flour One and a half cup

Milk Half a cup

Chinese. One and a half cup (crushed)

Eggs Four digits

Baking powder Two teaspoons

Vanilla essence. Half a teaspoon

Cocoa powder Four tablespoons

Salt A quarter teaspoon

Cream A packet

Butter Two hundred grams

Dark chocolate Three hundred grams (pumpkin pulp)

Beat the butter and sugar, when it becomes creamy, add eggs and beat more. Now add salt, vanilla essence, flour, baking powder and cream and fold. Divide this mixture into two parts, mix milk and cocoa powder in one part. Put donut cutter in the mold and put chocolate mixture on the sides, put grated chocolate in the middle and put cocoa powder mixture on it. Take out the donut cutter. Put it in the oven proof mold and put it in the microwave oven for ten minutes.

Ingredients required:

Chocolate One foot

Butter 50 grams

Golden syrup A spoon

Corn Flake 50 grams

Cut the chocolate into pieces. Now melt the butter with golden syrup on low heat. When melted, take off and mix in the corn flakes. Lightly ghee the baking dish, add the mixture and bake. After about 45 minutes your delicious chocolate corn flake cake will be ready to serve.

Double bread slices. Six digits

Butter - a packet

Raspberry jam. Half a cup

Chocolate spread. Half a cup

Cocoa powder - two tablespoons

Fresh milk - a cup

Eggs - four pieces (scattered)

Sugar - a tablespoon (crushed)

Fresh cream. A packet

First cut the edges of the double bread slices and add the butter and raspberry jam. Now cut them in half and spread them in a baking tray with a little grease. Then apply a layer of chocolate on it. Dissolve cocoa powder in a little water and add it to fresh milk. 

Then mix the eggs and powdered sugar, beat well and spread on top of the sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Leave the prepared slices outside for fifteen minutes so that the milk is well absorbed. Put a little water in the oven tray and place the baking dish, making sure that the water does not get inside. When it turns golden brown on top, take it out and serve with fresh cream and ice cream.

Chocolate (chopped). 2 cups

Flour (sifted) 1/2 cup

Eggs 20 digits

Chinese. A cup

Brown sugar A cup

Vanilla essence. 2 teaspoons

Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon

Baking Soda. 1/2 teaspoon

Sea salt A teaspoon (for sprinkling)

Salt A teaspoon

Salted butter A cup

Combine the sugar in the butter with the alkali batter. Now add vanilla essence, flour, baking powder, baking soda, sea salt, salt and chocolate. Spread the mixture on a plastic sheet and wrap it in the fridge. Put the mixture in 12 molds and cook at 200 degrees Celsius. Sprinkle sea salt on it and let it cool and then serve.

Cooking chocolate. Two tablespoons

Milk - 200 gram

 Two tablespoons

Chinese. According to taste

Put a quarter cup of water and sago in a pan and cook. When it is well cooked, mix milk in it and cook more. Bring the cooking chocolate to a boil. Boil the milk in another pan and add the baked chocolate to make a sauce and cool it. Grind the chocolate sauce, sago seeds, remaining milk and sugar as required in a grinder until all the ingredients are combined. Then pour into a glass and serve.

Cocoa powder - 6 tablespoons

Butter Twenty five grams

Chinese. 3 tablespoons

Water. A cup

Mix all ingredients and heat. When the sugar is dissolved, turn off the heat completely and cook over low heat until you reach the desired density. If the sauce is too thin, dissolve a teaspoon of cornflour in a little cold water and add. Keep running the spoon constantly so that no lumps form. The chocolate sauce is ready.